Investors purchasing foreclosure properties frequently have to the deal with removing occupants, be that the former owners whose mortgage was foreclosed, or tenants of the former owners still in occupancy.
Depending on who is there and why will dictate what legal procedures need to be done to remove those persons and allow the purchaser to renovate, sell or rent the premises to get a return on investment as soon as possible.
Sometimes all you need is a writ of possession issued in the foreclosure case. If tenants are in occupancy, Florida Law requires those persons first to be given legal notice before the Sheriff can remove them. And in certain situations, you may need to file a separate legal action to get possession of the premises.
Attorney Robert Worman handles these matters as part of his practice, and he knows what to do to give you access to your new investment as quickly and efficiently as the law and process allow.
If you have purchased a foreclosure property, and you need to get the current occupants out, contact Robert Worman.